Monthly breathable contact lenses*
AIR OPTIXTM plus HydraGlydeTM are the affordable option for starting in contact lenses.

Long-lasting comfort1
HydraGlydeTM Moisture Matrix keeps the lens continuously hydrated throughout the day.2

Deposit resistance
SmartShield™ Technology offers a constant protection from irritating deposits for longer wearing comfort.3

Replacement schedule
Easy to remember – change them just once a month.4
Extend your contact lens wear time
For extra hours of comfort, combine AIR OPTIXTM plus HydraGlydeTM for Astigmatism contact lenses with a HydraGlydeTM lens care solution.

3 MORE hours
OF COMFORTABLE WEAR TIME5-7††,‡ with Alcon’s hydrogen peroxide solution.

2 MORE hours
OF COMFORTABLE WEAR TIME5-7††,‡ with Alcon’s multipurpose solution.
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For Astigmatism


Near/Far Sighted

**Eye exam and professional fees may apply.
†Based on clinical studies with AIR OPTIXTM AQUA contact lenses
††Among symptomatic lens wearers, those who at baseline experienced end-of-day discomfort or had to remove their lenses earlier than they wished.
‡In separate studies, AIR OPTIXTM AQUA contact lenses were tested with habitual multipurpose solution followed by 30 days of use with either OPTI-FREETM PureMoistTM Multipurpose Disinfecting Solution or AOSEPTTM PLUS with HydraGlydeTM Cleaning & Disinfecting Solution. In both studies, comfortable wear time with habitual multipurpose solution was measured at baseline, and with study solution at Day 30.
‡‡Eye exam may be required. Professional fees may apply.
References: 1 Based on a clinical study of 75 habitual AIR OPTIXTM AQUA wearers who wore AIR OPTIXTMplus HydraGlydeTMfor 30 days; Alcon Data on file, 2017 2 In vitro study over 16 hours to measure wetting substantivity; Alcon data on file, 2015. 3 Nash W, Gabriel M, Mowrey-Mckee M. A comparison of various silicone hydrogel lenses; lipid and protein deposition as a result of daily wear. Optom Vis Sci. 2010;87:E-abstract 105110 4 Dumbleton K, Woods C, Jones L, Fonn D. The relationship between compliance with lens replacement and contact lens-related problems in silicone hydrogel wearers. Cont Lens Anterior Eye. 2011;34(5):216-222 5. Garofalo R, Lemp J. Clinical trial experience with OPTI-FREE PureMoist MPDS. Contact Lens Spectrum. Special edition. September 2011;44-48. 6. AIR OPTIXTM AQUA comfortable wear time comparison of day 30 to baseline. C-09-074 additional analyses; Alcon data on file, 2011. 7. In a multicenter, prospective, bilateral eye, randomised, crossover, double masked (to brand) study comparing two one-step hydrogen peroxide lens care solutions in symptomatic contact lens wearers; Alcon data on file, 2016.
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