Offer Wearers the Perfect HydraGlyde™ Combination
Our contacts lenses and contact lens care both contain the HydraGlyde™ Moisture Matrix.
Recommend AOSEPT™ PLUS and OPTI-FREE™ Puremoist™ to your customers
for lasting comfort.1-3

2 Hours
OF COMFORTABLE WEAR TIME4*,** with Alcon’s multipurpose solution.

3 Hours
OF COMFORTABLE WEAR TIME5*,** with Alcon’s hydrogen
peroxide solution.

Feeling of Fresh New Lenses Every Day6
1.Unsurpassed Disinfection7
2.Triple Action Cleaning
3.Extra Hours of Comfort8
Preservative Free

Excellent Disinfection and All-Day Comfort9-12
1.Up to 4X More Disinfection9,10***
2.Moisture That Lasts2,3,13
3.Extra Hours of Comfort4
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For Astigmatism


Near/Far Sighted
**In separate studies, AIR OPTIX® AQUA lenses were tested with habitual multipurpose solution followed by 30 days of use with either OPTI-FREE® PureMoist® Multipurpose Disinfecting Solution or AOSEPT® PLUS with HydraGlyde® Cleaning & Disinfecting Solution. In both studies, comfortable wear time with habitual multipurpose solution was measured at baseline, and with study solution at Day 30.
***Compared to Renu^ Fresh multipurpose solution; among symptomatic wearers.
References: 1. Alcon data on file, 2010. 2. Lally J, Ketelson H, Borazjani R, et al. A new lens care solution provides moisture and comfort with today’s contact lenses. Optician. 2011;241(6296):42-46. 3. Davis J, Ketelson H, Shows A, Meadows D. A lens care solution designed for wetting silicone hydrogel materials. Invest Opthamol Vis Sci. 2010;34(Supp 1):S30. 4. Garofalo R, Lemp J. Clinical trial experience with OPTI-FREE® PureMoist® MPDS. Contact Lens Spectrum. Special edition. September 2011;44-48. 5. Alcon data on file, 2016. 6. Alcon data on file, 2007 (n=78). 7. Alcon data on file, 2014. 8. Alcon data on file, 2016. 9. Gabriel MM, McAnally C, Bartell J. Antimicrobial Efficacy of Multipurpose Disinfecting Solutions in the Presence of Contact Lenses and Lens Cases. Eye Contact Lens. 2018;44(2):125-131. 10. Kern J, Kappell G, Callan M, et al. Antimicrobial properties of a novel contact lens disinfecting solution, OPTI-FREE™ EverMoist™. Cont Lens Anterior Eye. 2011;34(Supp 1):S30. 11. Lemp J, Kern J. U.S. survey of patient satisfaction with a new multi-purpose disinfecting solution. Optometry. 2012;83(7):8. 12. Lemp J, Kern J. Results from a global survey of contact lenswearer satisfaction with OPTI-FREE™ PureMoist™ Multi-Purpose Disinfecting Solution. Clinical Optometry. 2013:5 39–46. 13. OPTI-FREE™ Puremoist™ package insert; Alcon data on file.
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