AIR OPTIXTM plus HydraGlydeTM SmartShield™ Technology provides excellent deposit resistance,1,2 while the HydraGlydeTM Moisture Matrix delivers enhanced moisture benefits.3,4*
HydraGlydeTM Moisture Matrix: A proprietary moisture technology for silicone hydrogel lenses3

Helps keep the lens surface continuously moist4*

Attracts and retains moisture for lasting hydration3
AIR OPTIXTM plus HydraGlydeTM contact lenses help your consumers stay comfortable and satisfied all day, every day.5,6

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For Astigmatism


Near/Far Sighted

*Compared to Competitor contact lenses.
^Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
References: 1. In a randomized, subject-masked, multisite clinical study with over 150 subjects; significance demonstrated at the 0.05 level; Alcon data on file, 2005. 2. In a clinical study at 34 sites with 155 subjects; Alcon data on file, 2005. 3. Nash W, Gabriel M, Mowrey-Mckee M. A comparison of various silicone hydrogel lenses; lipid and protein deposition as a result of daily wear. Optom Vis Sci. 2010;87:E-abstract 105110. 4. Eiden SB, Davis R, Bergenske P. Prospective study of lotrafilcon B lenses comparing 2 versus 4 weeks of wear for objective measures of health, comfort and vision. Eye & Contact Lens. 2013;39(4):290-294. 5. Survey on 2,479 patients fitted with AIR OPTIX® for Astigmatism contact lenses (n=1.579, new contact lens wearers; n=900 existing wearers) and 249 eye care professionals; Alcon data on file, 2017.
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