Extend your contact lens wear time
For extra hours of comfort, combine AIR OPTIXTM plus HydraGlydeTM contact lenses with a HydraGlydeTM lens care solution.
3 MORE hours
OF COMFORTABLE WEAR TIME1-3††,‡ with Alcon’s hydrogen peroxide solution.
2 MORE hours
OF COMFORTABLEWEAR TIME1-3††,‡ with Alcon’s multipurpose solution.
General lens care tips
List of do’s & don’t’s of contact lens care
Cleaning and storage tips
Wash, rinse and dry your hands before inserting or removing your contact lenses.
Only use fresh solution when cleaning, disinfecting and storing your contact lenses.
Clean your lens case daily with solution.
Remember to leave your lens case open to let it dry.
General lens care watch outs
Do not sleep in your lenses unless your doctor says it’s OK.
Avoid showering, swimming or going into a hot tub while wearing your lenses.
Keep a backup pair of glasses just in case.
Don’t forget to schedule a yearly eye exam.
How to use Opti-Free in 5 simple steps
Remember to always wash and dry your hands!
Fill the empty lens case with solution
Wet each side of the lens with solution
Rub each lens for 20 seconds with your finger
Rinse each side of the lens for 10 seconds with solution
Place the lenses in the case and wait overnight or at least 6 hours
How to use AOSEPTTM PLUS with HydraGlydeTM
Remember to always wash and dry your hands!
Wash, rinse and dry your hands
Place lenses in baskets and rinse for 5 seconds with solution
Fill the case to the line with solution. NB: That red cap means you should never put AOSEPTTM PLUS with HydraGlydeTM directly in or around your eyes.
Put it all together and tighten the lid
Soak overnight or for at least 6 hours. WARNING: You MUST wait a full 6 hours for the solution to neutralize! If you don’t, you may hurt your eyes.
Tips for clean, comfortable contact lenses
Always store the lid upside down to avoid contamination. Remember to pour out your used solution.
Never use a flat or other lens case. AOSEPTTM PLUS with HydraGlydeTM must be used with the special lens case provided.
Never rinse contact lenses with AOSEPTTM PLUS with HydraGlydeTM prior to inserting them into your eyes. If you want to rinse lenses, use a sterile saline solution.
Never squirt AOSEPTTM PLUS with HydraGlydeTM directly into your eyes or rinse your lenses with the solution.
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Near/Far Sighted
†Based on clinical studies with AIR OPTIXTM AQUA contact lenses
††Among symptomatic lens wearers, those who at baseline experienced end-of-day discomfort or had to remove their lenses earlier than they wished.
‡In separate studies, AIR OPTIXTM AQUA contact lenses were tested with habitual multipurpose solution followed by 30 days of use with either OPTI-FREETM PureMoistTM Multipurpose Disinfecting Solution or AOSEPTTM PLUS with HydraGlydeTM Cleaning & Disinfecting Solution. In both studies, comfortable wear time with habitual multipurpose solution was measured at baseline, and with study solution at Day 30.
‡‡Eye exam may be required. Professional fees may apply.
References: 1. Garofalo R, Lemp J. Clinical trial experience with OPTI-FREE PureMoist MPDS. Contact Lens Spectrum. Special edition. September 2011;44-48. 2. AIR OPTIXTM AQUA comfortable wear time comparison of day 30 to baseline. C-09-074 additional analyses; Alcon data on file, 2011. 3. In a multicenter, prospective, bilateral eye, randomised, crossover, double masked (to brand) study comparing two one-step hydrogen peroxide lens care solutions in symptomatic contact lens wearers; Alcon data on file, 2016.
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